Wednesday, March 7, 2012

github first time

GitHub is free for open-source projects, so let's try to make the excels / forms i've been using into a web project using VS2010.
Since i'm fairly new with VS2010 i went with the usual Web C# project. Installed Git Extensions and followed:

Now i created a VS Project inside that directory and when i tried to push i got an error. "No supported authentication methods available"

So, it ends up you need to create a ppk file and configure putty to use it (if you installed github with putty = the default option).

Go ahead to Remotes -> PuTTY -> Generate or import key. Now, go to Conversions -> Import key. Browse to the .ssh folder, and find 'id_rsa' (it was named exactly that here, WITHOUT an extension). Select it, and press open. Enter the password for your key (this is the key that Git uses to communicate to the GitHub server, as it appears). Then, select Save Private Key, and save it somewhere (I did in the .ssh folder)

Now you have the option select the ppk file when the "No supported authentication methods available" arises, and it should work. (of course, you need the private key, silly!).