Ankh will spread a hidden .svn directory in every directory that has been linked with the old remote server/directory. Ankh also creates a ankh.load file in the project root.
The solution is to remove all this .svn directories and ankh.load file. This will make sure your local code will loose link with the old inexistent repository. You can do this by creating a .bat file with the following single line:
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('DIR /B /AD /S *.svn*') DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%G"
The usage is simple:
deletesvn.bat "c:\projects\project1"
(if deletesvn.bat was the name you gave to your batch file and c:\projects\project1 is the root of the directories linked with the old repository)
TIP: Make sure your batch file deleted all .svn directories and you manually deleted the ankh.load file before trying to create a new directory on the new repository.
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